“Triple Fisher: The Director’s Cut” April 28th at the Downtown Independent

“Triple Fisher: The Lethal Lolitas of Long Island” is playing in Los Angeles at the state-of-the-art Downtown Independent on Sunday April 28th at 8:00 pm.

Even if you were lucky enough to catch an earlier screening of Triple Fisher, you will not want to miss this World Premiere of the Director’s Cut of the film!  After a heated and highly publicized battle between director Dan Kapelovitz and production company Kapelovisionâ„¢, the director finally prevailed to get his true vision out there.  Unlike most directors who add a bunch of boring scenes to their director’s cuts — scenes that were left on the cutting-room floor for a reason — director Dan Kapelovitz is one of the few (perhaps, the only) director who believes that a director’s cut should actually be shorter than the original, yet have more bang-per-minute.  And that is exactly what this version is — a tighter, yet out-of-sighter version.

Portlandia Premiere


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Amazon.com lists Threee Geniuses: The Re-Death of Psychedelia DVD for $299.97


The Re-Death Of Psychedelia

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Price:  $299.97 & FREE Super Saver Shipping. Details
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Official “Triple Fisher” Betamax Player Coming Soon!!!!

For a mere $10,000, you will soon be able to buy a limited edition “Triple Fisher” Betamax player, which may or may not come with a Betamax tape of “Triple Fisher: The Lethal Lolitas of Long Island.”

The filmmakers are currently in talks with Kapelovision’s Betamax-only label, Alpha-Omega-Betaâ„¢ (αβΩ™), to release the film on Betamax.

Coming Soon — “Triple Fisher 2: Quadruple Fisher”

It has come to my attention that yet another actress has portrayed Ms. Fisher: adult actress Sierra plays “Lolita Fisher” in “Lethal Lolita.”  According to the box cover, Lolita Fisher “had the body of a filly and the mind of a Colt .45″ and is on trial for murder.  The weapon?  Her body, of course.  Stay tuned for “Triple Fisher 2: Quadruple Fisher” coming soon to a theatre near you.